Immunohistochemistry Catalog
Actin (alpha smooth muscle)
Clone: M16-L
Cat#: DB 147
M16-L stains alpha smooth muscle actin selectively, which is a commonly expressed by myofibroblasts.

Fixed-embedded human small intestine
Actin (beta)
Clone: S12-I
Cat#: DB 001
Antibody to β-actin provides a specific and useful tool in studying the intracellular distribution of β-actin and the static and dynamic aspects of the cytoskeleton.
Actin (muscle specific)
Clone: HHF35
Cat#: 10123
HHF3 reacts with actin from tissue extracts of uterus, ileum, aorta, diaphragm, heart, and smooth muscle cells. It recognizes the alpha actin from skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle and the gamma actin from smooth muscle sources.
Actin (smooth muscle)
Clone: 1A4
Cat#: 10102
1A4 antibody does not stain cardiac or skeletal muscle; however, it stains myofibroblasts and myoepithelial cells.

Fixed-embedded human tissue
AMACR (p504S)
Clone: Ql7-L
Cat#: DB 208
High expression of AMACR (p504S) protein is found in prostatic adenocarcinoma but not in benign prostatic gland. The expression of AMACR (PS04S) is also detected in: high - grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia.

Fixed-embedded human prostate
Aquaporin1 (AQP1)
Clone: 1/22
Cat#: 10029
1/22 reacts on the intracellular C-terminal AQPl epitope of aquaporins which are members of the Major Intrinsic Protein family.

Fixed-embedded rat brain
Aquaporin4 (AQP4)
Clone: 4/18
Cat#: 10030
4/18 reacts on the intracellular C-terminal AQP4 epitope of aquaporins, which are members of the Major Intrinsic Protein family.

Fixed-embedded rat brain
Clone: P21-A
Cat#: DB 064
Bcl-2 is important protein during the process of apoptosis. The antibody may be useful in the classification of follicular lymphomas and various diffuse lymphoproliferative diseases, and for differential identification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma versus Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia.

Fixed-embedded human tonsil
Breast cancer IHC kit
Cat#: 40010.K
Clone: SP3
Cat#: 10047
This antibody recognizes a c-erbB-2 protein, which is a receptor tyrosine kinase of the c erbB family. It is closely related in structure to the epidermal growth factor receptor. C-erbB- 2 oncoprotein is detectable in a proportion of breast and other adenocarcinomas, as well as transitional cell carcinomas.

Fixed-embedded human breast cancer
C3d complement
Clone: E28-P
Cat#: 10095
C3d is involved in the regulation of many aspects of the immune response including antigen processing and presentation. The C3d/antigen complex mediates B cell activation.

Fixed-embedded human Pemphygus vulgaris
C4d complement
Clone: A24-T
Cat#: 10096
Activation of the classical complement pathway starts with binding of an activating substance to the Cl molecule, which activates the Cl sub-units, resulting in cleavage of C4 to C4b releasing C4a in the process. The short-lived C4b molecule can bind covalently to membranes. This process is limited to the immediate vicinity of the Cl complex. Because of the short life of the C4b molecule much of the C4d is free and circulates in serum.

Fixed-embedded human lymph node
Clone: G27-P
Cat#: DB 057
Common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA / CDlO) immunostaining is a useful marker for the characterization of childhood leukemia and B cell lymphomas. This antibody reacts with antigen of lymphoblastic, Burkitt's, and follicular lymphomas; and chronic myelocytic leukemia. Other non-lymphoid cells that are reactive with CDlO are breast myoepithelial cells, bile canaliculi, neutrophils and small population of bone marrow cells, fetal small intestine epithelium, and normal fibroblasts.

Fixed-embedded human tonsil
CD117 (c-kit)
Clone: PC
Cat#: 10086
This antibody reacts with a 145 kDa molecular weight protein, designated as CD117/c-kit. C-kits are transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases expressed in many tissues and cells and are involved in the development of severa l lineages of stem cells such as germ cells, neuronal crest derived melanocytes and hematopoietic precursor cells. Useful in differentiating gastrointestinal stromal tumors from Kaposi's sarcoma, and tumors of smooth muscle origin.
Fixed-embedded human naevus